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Atlas: LED Troubleshooting

The following article applies for the models listed below:

UPS Online: Atlas FDC-003K, FDC-006K, FDC-010K.

On this article you will find the basic behavior and alarms that this UPS can show when a fault comes, either on his LED indicators, LCD and Alarms. Please verify the following tables to diagnose the common issues of your UPS when a fault comes in.
NOTE: If you want to make an advanced diagnose or setup your UPS manually on some performance parameters in your UPS (Example: Output voltaje, Output Frequency, etc), we suggest to download the User’s manual that we offer on the following link:

UPS Online User Manuals
The best way to diagnose a problem on the UPS on the first time, is on the Control Panel. Here are the faults and their codes for all common alarms on each side of the UPS, as shows:

LED fault codes:

LCD Front Panel Fault Codes:



Audible Alarms Fault Codes: